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Recommendations from Olson Family Chiropractic

What would you do with improved function and better health?

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We ALL would love “instant cures” for what we suffer from. However, our health is NEVER CONSTANT. Each day we are subjected to stress and microscopic damage that breaks down the body, including our muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. Our body is continually trying to adapt to the damage. Therefore, REGULAR attention must be given to our bodies, if our goal is improved health. I have walked the path of chronic back pain. My “cure” has been REGULAR EXERCISE for the last 10 years…..FAR FROM INSTANT. Although, I have selected the following exercise videos- PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING  MORE THAN MILD DISCOMFORT – STOP THE EXERCISE. Additionally, you may find that some of the exercises in the routine may be too difficult. Skip those and continue with the ones you are confident with.

Lower Back Strengthening Exercises:

Core Workout for Beginners: Click Here to watch on YouTube

Core Workout for More Advanced: Click Here to watch on YouTube

Stability Ball Core Strength Workout: Click Here to watch on YouTube

Dead Bug Progression: Click Here to watch on YouTube

Glut Bridge: Click Here to watch on YouTube

Weight Loss

Roughly 18 months ago I read a book called The Obesity Code by Jason Fung, MD. I was finding it difficult to lose more than a few pounds. After implementing the strategies he recommended, I have lost over 20 pounds. I currently weigh the same as what I did in 1982….no kidding! Dr. Fung convinced me NOT ONLY to eat differently, but to implement a discipline in my life that people groups and religions have used for thousands of years….fasting! For the last year I have done a 24 hour fast, once each week. I eat Wednesday lunch and fast until Thursday lunch.  On occasion I will do a 42 hour fast in which I eat Wednesday lunch and fast until Friday breakfast. This is no more difficult than the 24 hour fast since I am sleeping much of the time! For more information and the physiology behind fasting check out Dr. Fung’s video in the link below.

THE OBESITY  CODE, Jason Fung, MD: Click Here to View/Purchase on Amazon

INTERMITTENT FASTING, Jason Fung, MD: Click Here to watch on YouTube


Self-Care Tools

Core strengthening

Exercise ball:  Click Here to View/Purchase on Amazon

Lower back pain

Lower back support belt:

Muscle “knots” and spasms

Foam roller:  Click Here to View/Purchase on Amazon

Massage balls: Click Here to View/Purchase on Amazon

Massage stick: Click Here to View/Purchase on Amazon

Massage kit: Click Here to View/Purchase on Amazon

Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow strap: Click Here to View/Purchase on Amazon

Carpal tunnel
Carpal tunnel wrist brace (remember to order the correct side (right or left) and size): Click Here to View/Purchase on Amazon

Olson Family Chiropractic Recommendations | (360) 318-1240